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What is the TeaComposition project?

The TeaComposition project is an exciting initiative that is based on the Global Tea Bag Index. In this project, schools around NSW are using the humble tea bag to help the University of Sydney conduct an analysis of soil health. By doing so, we can create a picture of soil health around NSW.

You might be wondering why we care so much about soil. Well, soil is an essential, complex and highly valuable natural resource which we depend on to produce the vast majority of our food and fibre. Healthy soils underpin a healthy environment, productive crops, economic sustainability and food security.

So far, more than 20 NSW schools have tested the decomposition capacity of the soil on their school grounds.


Get involved!

To learn more about the soil health in NSW we need your help. Whether you’re a school (primary or secondary), community group or have an interest in the science of soil we would love for you to participate in this exciting project. To get involved you can register here. Once we have your details we will send you a kit containing all the equipment to start the project. The University of Sydney can also provide suggested lesson plans for a range of key learning areas. To learn more about the resource available click here.


The TeaComposition project is grateful to an anonymous donor whose kind contribution has allowed the funding of this project.

3 months Tea bags are placed in the soil
2 sites are examined per school
2 types of tea are buried
2019 We want you to join us
Tea Bag

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